I think I can confidently say I have drank smoothies, juices, even developed recipes that promoted anti-inflammation in the body.
Despite the unpopularity it has gained inflammation is the necessary “evil” in the role it plays in the immune system. There are two types of inflammation acute and chronic.
Acute inflammation is necessary and is the bodies way to protect tissue from injury, infection, or heat. You can see and feel this type of inflammation most of the times.
The swelling and redness that you experience for example when you have been stung by a bee, means that the body is sending all the necessary stem cells, blood, plasma etc basically flooding the body with healing agents. Acute inflammation is temporary.
Chronic Inflammation on the other hand is the type you want to avoid. This type is caused by diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, stress and constant exposure to pollutants and chemicals.
Bloating, brain fog, sore joints fatigue, anxiety, digestive issues are some of the symptoms of chronic inflammation.
With Chronic inflammation your body is always in fighting mode, the healing agents that your body constantly sends in this case, do the exact opposite they start to break down the healthy cells. Inflammation of this type can last for weeks to months to years.
Research shows that what we put in our body is essentially what is displayed on the outside. Consuming a high sugar diet full of heavy starches and processed foods will produce bloating, constipation, and flare ups such as rashes, these you can often see and feel.
Foods such as leafy green vegetables help with cell function and protecting your immune system, spices like Turmeric, ginger and fruits like pineapple help decrease inflammation in the body.
This Pineapple Turmeric Smoothie is a great way to squeeze in those anti-inflammatory properties.
Download PDF Recipe Card Here Pineapple Turmeric Smoothie